COVID-19 Emergency Loans

Every business throughout the world is being affected by COVID-19 pandemic. Irrespective of industry and region, businesses are either taking a direct hit due to closings and restrictions or being taking an indirect hit because of loss of demand due to clients limiting their needs for services and buying. In these hard times, Psalms Finance will look at bridge financing, Disaster loans and alternative business lending options for businesses affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

No one would have predicted that schools, travel, businesses, Entertainment and sports around the world would be virtually suspended within a one-week in the early months of the year 2020. Government and officials around the world are urging or forcing schools and businesses to close while creating alternatives to combat the spread of the COVID-19 and keeping the economy running.

We understand that as a business owner, uncertainty and the loss of business due to the Coronavirus (COVID 19) is affecting your business. Many businesses are losing revenue while still having bills to meet like, paying company bills like water, rent & electricity, paying staff salaries, taxes and much more. Due to this pandemic, many companies are now in search of financing for working capital for the first time and are finding it hard to navigate the business lending process. Psalms finance will help you through this process; apply for an emergency COVID 19 Loan today.